Chapter 1
Once upon a time the world -as we know it- didn't exist. More accurately, us –the light beings- of planet Earth, hadn’t yet devolved into our human form. The process and decision to materialize is the story of another chapter. When the big bang occurred it took us many millions of years to get things right. The process of materialization and the choice of a physical body appropriate to bear the regarding light body took a little time to master. Especially the conditions of the big bang explosion caused a temporary chaos during “placement”. The term placement refers to the entry of a soul or light body into the genome of a fetus. The fetus each spiritual body or soul occupied became the physical body of that soul. However similar to every transplantation there was always a risk of rejection of the soul. Either the body wasn’t prepared to accommodate the soul or the soul would reject the body. Very similar to graft vs host or host vs graft diseases. To limit these rejections, several genetic factors and congenital diseases or inevitable future physical conditions were all factored in the decision.
A long long time ago the world –as we know it- changed for the worst. When the physical world and spiritual world collided several genetic and or physical conditions factored in the decision of the rejection of the soul or body. But we are talking about millions of years… In time we learned to adapt and choose appropriate bodies. And in time; all of the light beings of earth were placed in their physical bodies, except for a small group. However small or however large; no-one actually knew. Those who were properly fused with their physical body forgot all about their light bodies… Those who weren’t properly fused remembered everything. These people had physical bodies but their light body had fused only to a limited extent, causing different struggle and pathologies. They didn’t know how many they were, what they needed to do or why this had happened to them… They were yielding their light bodies in total darkness. These people were called “Primates” or “The Prime”. All these primates knew was that they existed in an amount which corresponded to a prime number. Which prime number, no-one knew… The list was endless. Or could be… All these people knew was that they were lost.
Not so long ago, in this world, it turned that a family of light bodies had also occupied a family of physical bodies. That family was the only family in existence which was composed of only primates. The entire family was primates as in the real sense, a family of seven… They didn’t know if they were alone or not… Since 7 is a prime number, they knew that they could as well as be, it. Maybe there were thousands maybe only eleven… Maybe just the prime family… Maybe time would tell.
Once upon a time there was a prime family -a family unable to totally fuse with their light bodies- haunted by addiction, emotional weakness and suicide while gifted with strength, compassion and mercy. They were –needless to say- special however the baggage that came along was fierce.
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